What is the purpose of TESSR’s Workspace tab?
Under the tab, you’ll find the following modules: “People”, “Access Roles”, “Settings” and “Billings”.
Generally, this is where you can manage the individuals and the virtual environment of a collective under a particular Workspace. View your people, add or edit Access Roles, customise your Workspace and manage your current Billing plan.
Workspace > People
Workspace > People > Users
View all the Users that are currently in your Workspace—here, you can view their names, emails, access, sign-up dates, activity and the status of their license. These columns can all be arranged in Ascending/Descending order, but if this isn’t organised enough for you—turn to the:
You can filter scenes through five (5) different criteria. If you choose to filter by two or more options, the “AND” and “OR” toggles come into play. The “AND” toggle will only show scenes that simultaneously have all the filters you have set, while the “OR” toggle will show scenes that have at least one of the filters you opted for. Here are the five (5):
1. Access Role: Filter Users by what Access Role has been assigned to them.
2. Signup Date: Through a range of dates, filter Users by when they first signed up to the Workspace
3. Last Active: Through a range of dates, filter Users by the date they last logged into this Workspace.
4. Status: Filter between Licensed, Blocked or Unlicensed Users.
(i) Licensed Users have paid seats.
(ii) Unlicensed Users have unpaid seats—which could be the result of late payments, for example.
(iii) Blocked Users are Users that still have a paid seat and are accessible. However, the owner of the User account themselves cannot log into the workspace. This is so that leaders of a workspace can still access the account of a team member, who has left the company.
5. Archive: Filter between Users who have or have not been Archived.
6. Limited Access: Filter between Users who have or do not have Limited Access roles.
Besides purely viewing information on your People, you can also Archive/Delete Users or view their Details:
Through the three-dotted menu, located at the end of each User’s slot, you can choose to Delete or Archive a User.
1. Archived Users will now have an unpaid seat and cannot be accessed unless unarchived—while this frees up a paid seat for someone else, it will still eat up storage space.
2. Deleted Users will remove a User from the workspace, freeing up storage and a paid seat. Once a User is deleted, this action cannot be reverted.
If you need to do this to more than one person, simply click on the “Select” button. Tap on everyone who needs to be Archived or Deleted and proceed to do so.
People Details:
1. Access Roles: This section consists of a drop-down list of all access roles, a Limited access checkbox that constricts people to only assigned entities, and a link to Manage their Access Exceptions.
2. Basic: View their Basic details, like their full name, birthday, phone numbers and address.
Other Tabs
Workspace > People > Guest
Guests are users who either are added as such from the beginning, or are converted from Users. This type of user’s permissions are limited to:
Full access to the TESSR Review module.
Track and work on their assigned scenes shown on “My Work”
Read/View: (i) shared Project Directory, (ii) Notifications of their assigned works.
Workspace > People > Pending
These are all the accounts that have been invited to a workspace who have yet to accept or deny an invitation.
Workspace > People > Deleted
This section is where all the deleted accounts in a workspace go.
*Important note: Once a user is deleted, this change cannot be reverted. Therefore, before deleting a user, the Owner or Admin needs to make sure that members of a team are aware of this decision. If this is done by mistake, you can reinvite the person back to the app as a User.
Workspace > Access Roles
Workspace > Access Roles > Default Roles
This list shows the preset roles that TESSR comes with, alongside how many modules a role can access, the number of Users assigned to a role, and a potential description. These roles are:
1. Member: Is provided with essential features to manage assigned work.
2. Supervisor: Is equipped with essential features for project management— this includes assigning work to team members, overseeing teams, and accessing key management tools.
3. Admin: Has access to all features of TESSR, except for the ability to delete workspaces, transfer ownership, and manage billing.
4. Owner: Has full access and control over all features of TESSR, including the ability to manage workspaces, transfer ownership, and handle billing.
5. Project Coordinator: Can manage projects, teams, and metrics, but lacks the ability to create or delete projects.
6. Project Admin: Has access to project-related features, such as creating and deleting projects, generating reports, managing teams, and creating/deleting metrics.
*Note: Once you click on each role, you will find a table on Module Access, that shows the set of modules granted to each role by the system. Users are unable to make any changes here. If you would like to customise access for different roles, “Custom Roles” is where you should go to.
Workspace > Access Roles > Custom Roles
Here are all the roles a User in a workspace has created themselves. Similarly, you can also view a role’s number of accessible modules, the number of people with a role and its descriptions. Here’s how to create a New Access Role yourself:
Workspace > Access Roles > New Access Role
Upon clicking on the New Access Role button, you’ll receive a pop-up on your screen. Here, fill in the Name of your new role and choose from a list of existing roles to copy access from.
Once you have done so, you can further customise this New Access Role. You can:
1. Add a Description—it is a strongly recommended field to fill in, to allow other users to understand the function of a role for transparency’s sake.
2. Customise Module Access, out of the four main Modules. Each feature under every module, will give you the option to choose whether you want to give this role Default Access, No Access, Read, Manage or Full Access. The available Modules and its subpages are:
Studio: My Work, TESSR Review, To-do, Playlist and Smart Playlist (will link to articles)
Planning: Project Directory, TESSR Update, Team Lounge, Metric Library, Status Library, Standard Reports and TESSR Woohoo.
Workspace: People, Default Access Roles, Custom Access Roles, Settings, Working Days, Two-Factor Authentication.
Account: Notifications.
Workspace > Settings
Avatar & Name
Add or Edit your Workspace’s Avatar and Name.
Work Week
Through a checklist, you can select all the workdays that your team operates under.
With a drop-down list, select the time a Workspace’s day starts and ends.
Expected Woohoo
With a checkbox, confirm whether your Workspace prefers to calculate their Expected Woohoo with the End-of-Day method. For example, for a project starting on Monday and due on Friday, with today being Thursday, the Expected Woohoo would be 80%.
This only applies to companies that utilise an internal pay-based reward system. From the drop-down list, find and choose an applicable currency.
Two-Factor Authentication (TFA)
For security purposes, your Workspace can toggle TFA on. However, to do so, all Users in a Workspace must also turn it on in their Profiles.
Workspace Storage and Usage
Depending on your current plan, you will see a bar that displays the total amount of Storage you have alongside how much has been used. Below you may also find the option to Upgrade your Plan and a pop-up that shows how you can free up Storage.
For other details, to the right of the Storage Bar, you can find the Usage section. This will show how many Projects/Teams/Users/Status Templates your Workspace has available, and how much of it has been used.
Workspace Ownership
This will simply display which User owns the current Workspace.
Workspace Deletion
If you wish to delete the workspace, simply click on the “Delete Workspace” prompt. Once a Workspace is deleted, you have 30 days to recover it. However, please still be cautious when deciding to remove this extensive space that likely contains critical data or information.
The billing page contains information on what your Workspace’s current plan is, the name of your Workspace and how many seats are left under it.
The TESSR Workplace is a centralised module, that includes features that can help you view, record and manage both People and Workspace. You don’t need to scramble across the application to do so—cutting down unnecessarily wasted time. Make the best use of your workday with an organised virtual Workspace.
Author Bio
From Malaysia, Leia Emeera is a writer at TESSR, and a published author. She has been putting pen to paper ever since she learned how to, and has an anthology to her name, titled 'Ten'. Leia loves music, games and her beloved labrador retriever, George. She aims to further her studies in English Literature and Creative Writing the moment her gap year ends. 'Till then, you will find her sitting behind a desk, writing with TESSR.
Connect with her on LinkedIn: Leia Emeera