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4 min read
5 Animated Shows that Made it to the Big Screens
When animated television shows grow big, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if it gets a cinematic adaptation.

4 min read
5 Visually Distinct Album Cover Art: Part Two
An album’s cover art acts as a physical manifestation of its sonics—so it only makes sense that great audio brings great visuals to match.

5 min read
Animation in Video Games: The Trends and Techniques You Need to Know
Video Games have garnered a vast range of different mechanics, engines—and animation methods, where each bears unique traits.

6 min read
From Darkest Dungeon to Fear & Hunger, 5 Games with Sanity Meters
The definition of sanity is the ability to think and behave rationally, but how does this translate to videogames?

4 min read
Why Posters Are More Than Just Art—A Deep Dive
This exploration delves into the history, design principles, and contemporary practices in poster art.

4 min read
5 Visually Distinct Album Cover Art: Part One
An album’s art can play a part in both public reception and listener experience.

5 min read
5 Best Silent Animated Movies
Silent animated movies are simply how the medium had started off as, and yet, the form still prevails.

8 min read
Looking for a Stress Relief Game? Here’s 7 Games for You
Most glaringly obvious, games bring joy to players. But there’s more to it. Videogames can relieve stress for reasons unique to its genre.

4 min read
5 Art Games to Bring Out Your Inner Artist and Creativity
Simulation games grants players the opportunity to experience things they may otherwise never feel—art included.

6 min read
Best Indie Animations: 7 Must-Watch
Animating has become a process that is easily accessible—so it’s only natural for indie artists around the world to share their creations.

5 min read
5 Movies with Artists as Protagonists
The following list covers movies about artists, fictional or non-fictional, offering audiences visually captivating pieces.

5 min read
5 Games that Undertake the Theme of Mental Health
The topic of mental health is a complicated one, but the following games does its best to cover disorder without exploitation.

4 min read
5 Sci-Fi Animation Masterpieces to Watch
From sci-fi movies, anime and video games, here’s a list of 5 animations that fall under the genre of science fiction.

4 min read
5 Legendary Chinese Animations You Should Watch
When you think of China historically, one tends to think of its archaic language, dynasties, or food. But what about its place in animation?

7 min read
What is Rotoscoping? A Guide to This Animation Technique
Rotoscoping is an animation technique where live-action footage would be traced over. Here are examples of rotoscoping done right, in film.

6 min read
3 Ekphrastic Poems, Translating Poetry Through Visual Art
Ekphrastic poems explore the relationship between visual and written art.

6 min read
5 Early Animations: A Trip Back in Time
If you have curiosity towards the antiquated, here's a list of 5 early animations.

6 min read
Turn Learning into Play: 5 Best Project Management Game Simulators
Playing project management games is one of the ways to learn about project management. and get used to a project manager role. Yes, in...

5 min read
List of 5 Video Games that Require Collaborative Skills
This time we won’t be discussing collaboration in a corporate context. Alternatively, today we offer 5 video games intended for co-op!

5 min read
5 Best Nostalgic Animations to Watch
Some people’s nostalgic spark is animation! From the late the 1990s to 2010s, here are 5 animated shows for you to revisit.
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